Need Me (Mess with Me 3)

Happily Ever After is overrated. There I said it.

Call me a buzzkill but after watching all of my friends and roommates succumb to the love virus, I’ve decided to sit this one out. Which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

If you’re looking for a ring, then all you attract are one-night stands. Girls who prefer to fly solo, you guessed it – we attract nothing but Mr. Will You Marry Me?

So I’ve been playing a little game. Seeing just how far I can go before I send these guys running for the hills. Doing crazy sh*t every day keeps the relationships away.

Except for one. No matter what I do, this guy just keeps showing up. Listening when I vent about work, remembering my fears and being annoyingly present when I don’t want to be alone. And all the crazy stuff I do doesn’t even faze him. In fact, I think he likes it.

Which is a problem. Because if I’m not careful, I just might get used to needing someone.